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"Most Exciting Start-up ShortList"

We are honored to be ShortListed for the American Metaverse Awards!

Building off the culminating success of the European Metaverse Summit & Awards, the 1st annual American Metaverse Awards is primed to distinguish pioneers, innovators, and nimble giants in the American metaverse eco-system.

The aim is to connect and build relationships among up-and-coming brands, large corporations, and early adopters embracing Web 3.0 and the Metaverse.​

We're honored to be recognized for our efforts in web3 amongst some amazing brands leading the charge.

The Awards will be preceded by the Summit, with 35 Panelists and Speakers on topics top-of-mind in the disruptive Metaverse/Web3 space. Expected attendees are nearly 2000 top execs from more than 150 companies, from across N. America, but also from Europe, South America, Japan, and Singapore.

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